The Tempest

Outside, the Tempest looms, forever growing;
With loud ominous Thunder crashing,
Like peals from a thousand bells, tolling;
A Darkness, I have seen never before, encroaching;
Light, now a pale dot, and fast fading.

Inside, I sit crouched, with a lone candle burning;
A million questions, to be answered, now looming-
Large, under its weight, I buckle, cowering;
A drop of sweat, near the right temple, now appearing;
Shame, and Failure, at my plight, laughing;

Nervous, my heart beats, like marauding elephants, pounding;
Air, now thin and foul, stifling-
My breath, I clutch my throat, gasping;
Voices in my head, now laughing, now rasping
In my ears, like a thousand needles piercing.

With one last push, I fall on my knees praying;
God, if there is one, Release Me from this Suffering;

Outside, the Sun, yellow, balmy, drenching
In warmth. Grass, like a sea of green, surrounding
And birds, like a million mystic harps, twittering
Flowers, like myriad colours exploding, blooming.
Outside, the Sun, yellow, balmy, life giving.